In a hybrid context with an Exchange platform located in a resource forest and users in an account forest, on-premise mailboxes are linked to user accounts. When a mailbox is migrated to MS365, the mailuser object (remote mailbox) that remains on-premise is still linked to the user’s account. There is no native PowerShell command to list these links. Below are two PowerShell functions: One that allows you to find the account linked to a remote mailbox and one that allows you to find the remote mailbox linked to a user account.
Get linked account of a remote mailbox
“Get-LinkedAccount” function permits to read the account linked to a remote mailbox”Get-LinkedAccoubt permits you to read the account linked to a remote mailbox
# $recipient = email or alias or identity of the on-premise mailuser
Function Get-LinkedAccount($recipient){
$objectName = (Get-remotemailbox $recipient).Name
Write-Host $objectName
$SIDSTR = (Get-ADUser $objectName -Properties MsExchMasterAccountSid).MsExchMasterAccountSid
Write-Host $SIDSTR
$SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SIDSTR)
$objUser = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
Return $objUser.Value
Search linked recipient for an account
“Seach-LinkedMailbox” function permits to find the remote mailbox / on-premise mailbox linked to a user account
# $UserDomain = Domain name of the account forest
# $UserDomain = Username
Function Search-LinkedMailbox($UserDomain,$UserAccount){
$UserDomainAccount= $UserDomain + "\" + $UserAccount
#Get SID from AD
$objsid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($UserDomain,"$UserAccount")
$sid = $objsid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
if ($error) { write-host "ERROR: AD account $UserDomainAccount not found! " }
Write-Host "Error getting SID for the account $UserDomain $UserAccount" -ForegroundColor Red
#Test is account is already linked and return recipient
$Testifnotlinked = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "MsExchMasterAccountSid=$($sid.value)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( $Testifnotlinked )
throw "Account already linked to a recipient DN = $($Testifnotlinked.Distinguishedname)"
Write-Host "Account already linked to a recipient DN = $($Testifnotlinked.Distinguishedname)" -ForegroundColor Red
Get-Recipient -anr $Testifnotlinked.Name | ft Name, PrimarySmtpAddress, DisplayName
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